Monday, 16 September 2019

Funniest corporate life incident

This happened at my ex company.

An email thread started about someone who had “parked their car in front of a Director’s car not allowing the Director to leave for home early”. This is what the Director, in absolute mind-altering anger, emailed everyone had happened. The subject line of the email was “Uncivilized car parking”.

This spun off into a viciously long email thread about “How directors could leave early but no one else could”, about “where to buy uncivilized cars”. People started batting for the “uncivilized car park-er” saying maybe he was in an unnatural hurry, had to go to the loo or had (in a past life) been wronged by the director somehow – a very vivid example was given here: the director was a lion and the obstructive car park-er was a mouse who had been eaten by the lion, and thus, this was cosmic revenge. Someone also took a photo of the parking situation and posted it on the company’s Wikipedia page and intranet.

Overall, by the end of the day, 5000 emails were written on this thread and the email flow only stopped when HR wrote to the bosses of everyone who had initiated an email (90% of the emails had been “Please remove me from this thread” BTW) telling them to rein in their subordinates.

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